Calls for Bids - S.B.S. Consulting - Strategic Business Solutions - Management Consulting - Strategic Consulting - ESG/CSR Consulting - Growth Strategies Implementation - Export - Strategic Marketing

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Calls for Bids financed by the European Union

The European Commission has launched the Project named "Data Pitch" applied to start-up and to those enterprises already joining the Program "Horizon 2020". The Bid provides for an amount of Euros 100.000,00 for supporting the 50 best projectual ideas which use data in order to realize innovative products or services. Moreover, a six-monthly support and many meetings with Investors as a prize, in order to accelerate the process. Requirements of participation had to be sent within 1st October 2017. Enterprises selected had to be then convened in a meeting in London for their 3-minute presentation. For information and more details check the "Gazzetta Ufficiale".

Calls for Bids by MiSE

On 09th May 2017 was launched the new portal of MiSE "", to promote the competitiveness especially of the Italian SMEs in consideration of the European programs 2014-2020. This Project includes the Programma Operativo Nazionale (Operative National Program - PON) Imprese e Competitività 2014.2020 under the "Direzione Generale per gli Incentivi alle Imprese, Autorità di Gestione del PON". It includes several programs focused on supporting the competitive re-positioning of the industrial system in eight Regions of the South of Italy. The programs acts directly by means of actions provided by the program itself and indirectly by means of infrastructural actions especially focused on the ultra wideband in the most industrialized areas and focused on the electric network for supplying energy. Programs dedicated to the weakest Regions or areas and to those Regions which are facing a transition period. Areas of competences are: Digital, Environment, Smart Communities, Smart Mobility Systems, and also Turism, the Cultural Patrimony and the Industry of Creativity, as far as the Aerospace Industry (defense), R&S also as a collaborative system applied to the immediate industrialization of Research results.

Voucher for the Digitalization of SMEs

By the resolution of CIPE on 10th July 2017 was available funding for the total amount of Euros 100.000,00 as provided by the law. Afterwards the publication of the resolution on the Gazzetta Ufficiale, the Ministry of Economic Development started the procedure for obtaining the funding. A Voucher available for a maximum value of Euros 10.000,00 concerning SMEs' digitalization. Vouchers granted for maximum 50% of the total amount of permissible expenses for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises related to the purchase of hardware, software, services finalized to the digitalization of the business processes and to the technological updating. Moreover, specialistic consulting services strictly related to e-commerce implementation, specific software related to the on-line payments, security systems concerning network connection, further to those expenses for the infrastructure implementation and to everything related the wideband and the ultra wideband connection. At the beginning the funding concerned only the eight Regions in the South of Italy, afterwards extended to the whole national territory.
The amount of the Voucher is endowed directly by MiSE in one solution. Requirement of admission must be sent exclusively via electronic transmission (by using PEC and digital signature), according to the procedure described on the Ministry of the Economic Development web site ( For further information, details check also the Gazzetta Ufficiale.

Voucher for Internationalization

On 18th September 2017 the Ministry of Economic Development defined the operative ways and the terms for the requirement and for the Vouchers granting concerning the Internationalization, in order to support SMEs and network enterprises in their strategies to the access and to the development on the international markets. Funding available at the beginning for an amount of Euro 26.000.000,00 under the provisions of the DM 17th July 2017. This is a non-refundable grant endowed as Voucher earmarked for SMEs intended to export supported by a Temporary Export Manager or TEM able to study, project and manage the processes and programs on the foreign markets. The Temporary Export manager to be chosen among those ones in the list published on the Web Site of MiSE within 20th December 2017. Vouchers available for start-ups and for enterprises with a minimum turnover of Euros 500.000,00 recorded in the latest balance-sheet. Voucher for Euros 10.000,00 for a contract at least of Euros 13.000,00  + VAT for a minimum period of six months. Vouchers of Euros 15.000,0 for a service contract for at least Euros 25.000,00 + VAT for a minimum period of 12 months. Afterwards, a Voucher for further Euros 15.000,00 provided for, in case of enterprise able to reach fixed targets. For more information and details check the Gazzetta Ufficiale or the MiSE Web Site.

Redevelopment of the industrial Crisis Areas (Law 181/89)

Under provisions of the DM 26th September 2016 an amount of Euros 80.000,00 had been allocated on the PON IC 2014-2020 in order to support projects about industrial investments, environmental protection, innovation in the organization concerning the redevelopment of industrial areas placed in Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Apulia and Sicily. Within this funding Euro 30.000,00 of PON dedicated to the complex industrial crisis area of Taranto.
Under DM of 31st January 2017 these fundings had been allocated among different areas of intervention (simple and complex areas of crisis according to the law 181/89). For information or details check the Web Site of MiSE or the Gazzetta Ufficiale.

The following non-refundable grants scheduled for 2018 up to 2020 (search dated 2018):

-MISE. Voucher ICT. Non re-fundable grant as Voucher up to € 10.000,00 for the Digitalization of Enterprises.
Voucher ICT.
Geographic Area: Italy
On going grant

-Non re-fundable grant promoted by the Chamber of Commerce of Ferrara for the Digitalization of Enterprises.
Geographic Area: Emilia Romagna
On going grant

-Non re-fundable grant for promoting the Internationalization of Enterprises.
Plan scheduled for 2018.
Geographic Area: Liguria
On going grant

-Chamber of Commerce of Riviere di Liguria. Non re-fundable grant up to 50% for the participation at trade-fairs and events focused on the Internationalization.
Geographic Area: Liguria
up to the end of the funds

-Non re-fundable grant promoted for the Internationalization of Enterprises.
Geographic Area: Liguria
On going grant

-Chamber of Commerce of Riviera di Liguria. Non re-fundable grant up to 50% for the participation at trade-fairs and events for the Internationalization.
Geographic Area: Liguria
up to the end of the funds

-Made in Italy Plan. Non re-fundable grant as a Voucher up to 10.000,00 € promoted by MISE for sustaining the Internationalization.
Geographic Area: Italy
On going grant

-Non re-fundable grant promoted for the Internationalization of Enterprises.
L.P. 6/99. Non re-fundable grant up to 70% promoted by the Provincia Autonoma di Trento for promoting the Internationalization.
Geographic Area: Trentino Alto Adige
up to the end of the funds

-SACE Fundings for the Internationalization. Grant up to 70% for the Internationalization.
Geographic Area: Italy
Deadline not scheduled

-POR FESR 2014/2020 Azione 3.4.2. Non re-fundable grant up to 50% for supporting the Internationalization of SMEs.
Geographic Area: Veneto
up to the end of the funds

-Non re-fundable grant promoted for the Internationalization of Enterprises.
Geographic Area: Lazio
On going grant

-POR FESR 2014/2020. Azione 1.3. Manifattura e Lavoro 4.0. Non re-fundable grant up to 60% for supporting business innovation processes and new technologies.
On going grant: Marche
Deadline 31/12/2020

-Fondimpresa. Avviso 5/2017. Non re-fundable grant for Education supporting Technological Innovation of product and/or industrial process.
Geographic Area: Italy
Deadline 16/06/2018

-Non re-fundable grant up to 60% promoted by the Chamber of Commerce of Sondrio for the participation at international trade-fairs abroad.
Geographic Area: Lombardia
Deadline 30/04/2018

-PO FESR 2014/2020. Obiettivo 1.2. Non re-fundable grant up to 80% for the realization of technological platforms.
Geographic Area: Campania
up to the end of the funds

-Chamber of Commerce of Ravenna. Non re-fundable grant up to 50% for supporting Internationalization projects and the participation at trade-fairs abroad.
Geographic Area: Emilia Romagna
Deadline 30/01/2018

-Chamber of Commerce of Mantova. Non re-fundable grant up to 40% for supporting the Internationalization of Enterprises.
Geographic Area: Lombardia
up to the end of the funds

-POR FESR 2014/2020. Azione III.3.b.2.3. Non re-fundable grant up to 40% for supporting intervention of offer qualification and the innovation of turistic, strategic and organizational products/services.
Geographic Area: Lombardia
up to the end of the funds

-POR FESR 2014/2020. Azioni III.3.b.2.1 e III.3.b.2.2. Non re-fundable grant up to 70% for supporting the realization of an integrated product in the turistic and cultural sectors.
Geographic Area: Lombardia
On going grant

-Chamber of Commerce of Milano, Fondazione Welfare Ambrosiano e Comune di Milano. Non re-fundable grant for supporting the access to micro-credit to Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.
Geographic Area: Lombardia
up to the end of the funds

-Retail Street Award. Non re-fundable grant up to € 20.000,00, as a prize in favour of commercial enterprises combinations placed in business districts.
Geographic Area: Lombardia
On going grant

-MISE. Contribution for the size increasing and the strenghten of the "confidi" capital.
Geographic Area: Italy
Deadline 31/12/2018

-MISE. IPER E SUPER AMMORTAMENTO. HYPER AND SUPER DEPRECIATION. Incentives for enterprises investing in equipments related to the technological and digital transformation in the industrial manufacturing processes.
Geographic Area: Italy
Deadline at the moment not foreseen

-Chamber of Commerce of Sondrio. Non re-fundable grant up to 50% promoted by the Chamber of Commerce of Sondrio for the participation at international trade-fairs in Italy.
Geographic Area: Lombardia
Deadline 01/03/2018

-Non re-fundable grant for supporting investments in promotions and export.
Geographic Area: Friuli Venezia Giulia
On going grant

-POR FESR 2014/2020 Azione 1.4.1. 100% non re-fundable grant for supporting the creation of innovative start-ups and business at high intensity application.
Geographic Area: Lazio
Deadline 20/04/2018

-POR FESR 2014/2020. Azione 3.4.1. Non re-fundable grant for supporting export promotional projects allocated for enterprises and their combinations selected on the base of the territory or of the sector.
Geographic Area: Lazio
Deadline 28/02/2018

-POR FESR 2014/2020. Azione 3.4.2. Sub azione A e B. Non re-fundable grant for supporting export of SMEs and the turistic offer.
Geographic Area: Toscana
On going grant

-Grant for strenghten the businesses which develop effects at social impact.
Geographic Area: Piemonte
On going grant

-POR FESR 2014/2020. Azione 1.2. Non re-fundable grant up to 100% and fundings at subsidised loans for supporting the innovation.
Geographic Area: Lombardia
up to the end of the funds

-Fundings at subsidised loans up to 100% promoted by Finpiemonte for allowing SMEs access to bank credit.
Geographic Area: Piemonte
up to the end of the funds

-Chamber of Commerce of Cremona. Bando Fare Legami. Non re-fundable grant up to 80% promoted by the Chamber of Commerce of Cremona for setting up new businesses and new professional activities.
Geographic Area: Lombardia
Deadline 28/02/2018

-Bando Startup di impresa in Valchiavenna. POR FESR 2014/2020. Azione III.3.a.1.1. Non re-fundable grant up to 40% for supporting start-ups promotion.
POR FESR 2014/2020. Azione III.3.a.1.1. Non re-fundable grant up to 40% for supporting start-ups promotion.
Geographic Area: Lombardia
On going grant

-Chamber of Commerce of Sassari. Non re-fundable grant up to 70% promoted by the Chamber of Commerce of Sassari for the participation at trade-fairs and exhibitions in Italy and abroad.
Geographic Area: Sardegna
Deadline 31/01/2018

-Chamber of Commerce of Perugia. Non re-fundable grant up to 50% promoted by the Chamber of Commerce of Perugia for supporting the participation at important international trade-fairs in Italy and abroad.
Geographic Area: Umbria
Deadline 31/01/2018

-POR FESR 2014/2020. Azione III.3.c.1.1. Non re-fundable grant, fundings at subsidised loans and grant for supporting projects related to the development of corporate investments.
Bando "Al Via". POR FESR 2014/2020. Azione III.3.c.1.1. Non re-fundable grant, fundings at subsidised loans and grant for supporting projects related to the development of corporate investments.
Geographic Area: Lombardia
Deadline 31/12/2019

-"Resto al Sud". Non re-fundable grant and fundings at subsidised loans up to € 50.000,00 for setting-up new enterprises promoted by young entrepreneurs.
Geographic Area: Italy
On going grant

-PO FESR FSE 2014/2020. Azione 3.4. Apulia Film Fund 2017. Non re-fundable grant up to 70% for promoting activities in the cultural, turistic, creative sectors and in the entertainment.
Geographic Area: Puglia
up to the end of the funds

-POR FESR 2014/2020. Azione 3.1.1. Misura 1. Non re-fundable grant up to 70% for supporting industrial investments focused on strategic projects.
Geographic Area: Toscana
up to the end of the funds

-Bando PassImprese. Non re-fundable grant as Voucher up to 5.000,00 € for promoting education of Entrepreneurs and Workers.
Geographic Area: Puglia
Deadline 31/07/2018

-Industria 4.0. Non re-fundable grant up to 30% promoted by the Chamber of Commerce of Cuneo for developing businesses digital competition.
Geographic Area: Piemonte
Deadline 31/01/2018

-Bando "StorEvolution". Non re-fundable grant up to 60% for supporting micro, small and medium-sized retail enterprises.
Geographic Area: Lombardia
On going grant

-OCM Vino Investimenti 2017/2018. Non re-fundable grant up to 40% for supporting investments in the wine sector.
Geographic Area: Lombardia
Deadline 31/01/2018

-Chamber of Commerce of Torino. Non re-fundable grant as Voucher up to 10.000,00 € promoted by the Chamber of Commerce of Torino for the usage of new competences and digital technologies.
Geographic Area: Piemonte
Deadline 16/02/2018

-Chamber of Commerce of Brescia. Non re-fundable grant up to 50% for increasing and promoting the dissemination of the digital technologies.
Geographic Area: Lombardia
On going grant

-Chamber of Commerce of Riviere di Liguria. Non re-fundable grant up to 50% for the participation at trade-fairs and events focused on the Internationalization.
Geographic Area: Liguria
up to the end of the funds

-POR FESR 2014/2020 Azione 3.4.2. Non re-fundable grant up to 50% for supporting the Internationalization of SMEs.
Geographic Area: Veneto
up to the end of the funds

-MISE. Accordi per l'innovazione. Non re-fundable grant, fundings at subsidised loans promoted by MISE in favour of R&S projects
Geographic Area: Italy
up to the end of the funds

-Chamber of Commerce of Pistoia. Non re-fundable grant up to 50% for the participation at international trade-fairs placed in Italy.
Geographic Area: Toscana
Deadline 15/02/2018

-LR 19/14. Non re-fundable grant up to 70% for innovative enterprises supporting expenses in Communication and Marketing.
Geographic Area: Piemonte
up to the end of the funds

-Chamber of Commerce of Brescia. Non re-fundable grant up to 50%  promoted by the Chamber of Commerce of Brescia for the participation at trade-fairs and exhibitions in Italy.
Geographic Area: Lombardia
On going grant

-Bando FACILITOxTO. Non re-fundable grant up to 30% and fundings at subsidised loans up to 70% for the development of innovative industrial projects in the suburbs of Torino.
Geographic Area: Piemonte
Deadline 31/10/2018

-POR FESR 14/20 Azione III.3d.6.1 - Fondo Tranched Cover. Grant in favour of enterprises for supporting access to credit.
Geographic Area: Piemonte
up to the end of the funds

-Bando Social Innovation. Non re-fundable grant promoted by Fondazione Cariplo for the innovation of social projects.
Geographic Area: Lombardia
On going grant

-Chamber of Commerce of Ascoli Piceno. Non re-fundable grant up to 50% for supporting the participation at international trade-fairs in Italy and abroad.
Geographic Area: Marche
Deadline 31/01/2018

-POR FESR-FSE 2014/2020 Azione 6.8. Non re-fundable grant up to 15.000,00 € for the organization of journalists and opinion leaders hospitality.
Geographic Area: Puglia
Deadline 15/01/2018

-Non re-fundable grant up to 50% for supporting enterprises which will be placed in the industrial agglomerations.
Geographic Area: Friuli Venezia Giulia
On going grant

-PSR 2014/2020 Misura 6.4.c. Non re-fundable grant up to 75% for setting-up and develop extra agricultural enterprises in trade, artisanal, turistic, services, technological innovation sectors.
Geographic Area: Sicilia
Deadline 20/02/2018

-"Legge salva borghi". Non re-fundable grant focused on the enhancement of historic centers of small Municipalities.
Geographic Area: Italy
On going grant

-fundings at subsidised loans up to 70% for promoted by Finpiemonte for encouraging the access to credit of big enterprises.
Geographic Area: Piemonte
up to the end of the funds

-POR FESR 2014/2020. Azioni 3.3.1, 3.6.1 e 4.2.1. Revolving Fund for Small Credit. Fundings at subsidised loans for encouraging the access to credit.
Geographic Area: Lazio
up to the end of the funds

-POR FESR 2014/2020. Azione 3.1.1. Misura 2. Fundings at subsidised loans up to 70% for supporting industrial manufacturing investments in quality of micro-credit.
Geographic Area: Toscana
up to the end of the funds

-Municipality of Jesi. Non re-fundable grant up to 70% for the promotion of cultural and turistic activities.
Geographic Area: Marche
Deadline 31/01/2018

-MIPAAF. Non re-fundable grant up to 40% and Fundings at subsidised loans up to 50% promoted by MIPAAF for the development of sectoral and district contracts.
Geographic Area: Italy
on going grant

-POR FSE 2014/2020. Fondo Futuro e Liquidità sisma. Fundings at subsidised loans up to 100% for encouraging the access to credit.
Geographic Area: Lazio
up to the end of the funds

-PSR 2014/2020. Misura 4.1. Non re-fundable grant up to 50% for supporting investiment in farms.
Geographic Area: Liguria
Deadline 31/01/2018

-Bando International Accelerator. Non re-fundable grant up to € 20.000,00 for the participation at the International Accelerator in Silicon Valley.
Geographic Area: Emilia Romagna
Deadline 01/02/2018

-Chamber of Commerce of Alessandria. Non re-fundable grant as a Voucher up to 2.500,00 € promoted by the Chamber of Commerce of Alessandria for the dissemination of culture and digital practice. Bando voucher digitali I4.0.
Geographic Area: Piemonte
Deadline 28/02/2018

-Chamber of Commerce of Cuneo. Non re-fundable grant as a Voucher up to 2.500,00 € promoted by the Chamber of Commerce of Cuneo for the dissemination of culture and digital practice. Bando voucher digitali I4.0.
Geographic Area: Piemonte
Deadline 28/02/2018

-Non re-fundable grant for promoting the Internationalization of enterprises.
Scheduled: 2018.
Geographic Area: Liguria
On going grant

-PSR 2014/2020 Misura GAL Montefeltro Sviluppo. PSR 2014/2020 Misura Non re-fundable grant up to 30.000,00 € promoted by GAL Montefeltro Sviluppo for setting-up businesses in the rural areas.
Geographic Area: Marche
Deadline 31/01/2018

-PSR 2014/2020 Misura 16.2. Non re-fundable grant up to 100% for projects of co-operation focused on management, processes or products purposes.
Geographic Area: Toscana
Deadline 31/01/2018

-Fondazione con il Sud. Bando Storico - Artistico e Culturale. Non re-fundable grant for restoring and enhancing unused cultural heritage placed in the South Italy.
Geographic Area: Italy
Deadline 27/07/2018

-Fondo microcredito Fse. Fundings at subsidised loans up to 25.000,00 € for setting-up new businesses.
Geographic Area: Sardegna
Deadline 30/06/2018

-Chamber of Commerce of L'Aquila. Non re-fundable grant up to 50% promoted by the Chamber of Commerce of L'Aquila for the Digitalization of enterprises of the Hospitality sector.
Geographic Area: Abruzzo
Deadline 12/01/2018

-Invitalia. Legge 181/89. Restart Abruzzo. Non re-fundable grant and Fundings at subsidised loans promoted by Invitalia for supporting investments in the sismic area.
Legge 181/89. Restart Abruzzo.
Geographic Area: Italy
up to the end of the funds

-Non re-fundable grant up to 100% for the development of innovative turistic services.
Geographic Area: Liguria
On going grant

-Programma DCI II. Non re-fundable grant up to 80% for improving work, social and environment conditions.
Geographic Area: Italy/EU
Deadline 08/02/2018

-PSR 2014/2020 Misura 8.6.01 e 8.6.02. Non re-fundable grant up to 40% for the transformation and trade of wood products.
Geographic Area: Lombardia
On going grant

-PO FESR 2014/2020. Azione 3.4.2. Non re-fundable grant for the purchase of services supporting the Internationalization.
Geographic Area: Sicilia
On going grant

-MIUR. Bando PRIN 2017. Non re-fundable grant promoted by MIUR for supporting Research Projects of national interest.
Bando PRIN 2017.
Geographic Area: Italy
On going grant

-POR FESR 2014/2020. Azione 3.3.1. Non re-fundable grant up to 20% the competitive repositioning of the Industrial Districts, of the Innovative Regional Networks and of Enterprises Aggregations.
Geographic Area: Veneto
Deadline 08/02/2018

-POR FESR 2014/2020 Azione 3.4.1. Non re-fundable grant up to 75% for the promotion of aggregated enterprises on international markets.
POR FESR 2014/2020 Azione 3.4.1. Non re-fundable grant for the promotion enterprises in partnerships on international markets
Geographic Area: Sardegna
On going grant

-POR FESR 2014/2020. Azione 3.5.1C. Non re-fundable grant up to 70% for supporting start-ups enterprises in cultural, creative and enterprises sectors.
Geographic Area: Veneto
Deadline 12/03/2018

-OCM Vino Investimenti 2017/2018. Non re-fundable grant up to 40% for supporting investments in the wine sector.
Geographic Area: Umbria
On going grant

-OCM Vino Investimenti 2017/2018. Non re-fundable grant up to 40% for supporting investments in the wine sector.
Geographic Area: Veneto
Deadline 05/02/2018

-OCM Vino Investimenti 2017/2018. Non re-fundable grant up to 40% for supporting investments in the wine sector.
Geographic Area: Piemonte
Deadline 15/02/2018

-L.R. 63/78. Non re-fundable grant in interests on loans related to contracts of farms entrepreneurs having lands and/or industrial manufacturing structures in areas affected by floods during 21-25/11/2016 and by frost between 18-21/04/2017.
Geographic Area: Piemonte
Deadline 28/02/2018

-POR FESR 2014/2020. Misura 2.3.a.1 bis. Non re-fundable grant for supporting technological investments of SMEs.
Geographic Area: Friuli Venezia Giulia
On going grant

-PSR 2014/2020. Misura 7.5.1. Non re-fundable grant up to 100% for supporting the enhancement of infrastructure and information focused on the development of the sustainable turism in rural areas.  
Geographic Area: Veneto
Deadline 29/03/2018

-PSR 2014/2020 Misura 6.1.1. Non re-fundable grant up to € 40.000,00 for the settlement of young farmers.
Geographic Area: Veneto
Deadline 29/03/2018

-PO FSE 2014/2020. Azione 8.6.1. Non re-fundable grant up to 100% for supporting requalification actions and outplacement of works involved in corporate crisis situations.
Geographic Area: Abruzzo
up to the end of the funds

-POR FESR 2014/2020. Non re-fundable grant up to 100% for supporting setting-up and development of new innovative enterprises at high level of know-how and spin-off in Research.
Geographic Area: Lazio
up to the end of the funds

-Fundings at subsidised loans up to € 500.000,00 for SMSs victimes of lack of payments.
Geographic Area: Italy
up to the end of the funds

-Fundings at subsidised loans for supporting financial needs of small farms.
Geographic Area: Lombardia
on going grant

-Chamber of Commerce of Brescia. Non re-fundable grant up to 50% for supporting network enterprises in all sectors.
Geographic Area: Lombardia
on going grant

-PON Imprese e competitività 2014/2020. Grant promoted by Mise for supporting the areas of the South affected by industrial crisis.
PON Imprese e Competitività. Grants in favour of the areas of the South affected by industrial crisis.
Geographic Area: Italy
on going grant


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