Presentation - History and Professional Profile - S.B.S. Consulting - Strategic Business Solutions - Management Consulting - Strategic Consulting - ESG/CSR Consulting - Growth Strategies Implementation - Export - Strategic Marketing

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Consulting Fields:

    • Management Consulting. Strategic Advice - Organization
    • CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) - ESG Principles, ESG Reporting
    • Traditional and Digital Projects, Implementation (up to GDPR pre-Auditing) with CSR abd ESG Principles and Reporting
    • EXPORT/Internationalization
    • Europroject: Projects Evaluation. Projects Design and Implementation
    • Marketing Strategic - Traditional and Digital
    • Credit Risk - Treasury Analysis/Management
    • Marketing & Communication
    • No-Profit


S.B.S. Consulting Studio arises from the willing of the promoter to primarily offer linguistic support and training to self-employed and to professional studios also trading abroad and to micro-enterpresis, to small-medium sized companies throughout their start-up and development mainly on international markets up to their consolidation.
Later on, Consulting related to Strategic Marketing and Credit Risk Analysis on international scale services have been implemented especially for big sized companies, considering these tools of vital importance for any kind of entrepreneurial business.
Wider range of services  related to Management Consulting, Strategic Consulting, traditional Strategic Marketing and Digital Marketing, Export-Internationalization, Europrojects Management further to solutions of integrated services also in outsourcing have been then proposed. These services allow companies to improve and develop their business, to rationalize their own costs and expenses and to go on with extreme flexibility in smoothness, developing their own business opportunity especially abroad accompanied and supported throughout their paths up to their consolidation phase.

Professional Profile: Silvia E.A. Siminelli - B.A. (Hons) Business Studies - Cert. Mgmt - EuroProject Manager

- Certificate in Social Sciences – (Business School – UK) – 2006
- Master - Professional Certificated Management (Business School - UK) in Management Consulting/Advisor, with also CSR - Strategic Marketing specialization - 2007
- Bachelor  with Honours Business Studies (Business School – UK) with CSR, with Strategic Marketing and Consulting specialization - from 2005 to 2013
- GDPR (Attendance Certificates) - 2017-2019 on-going training and up-dating
- EUROProject Management - High Specialization Master - Certificate - 2019

The Promoter began to work on international scale in 1984 carrying out diversified activities mainly from assisting the Top Managements, foreign commercial business units, administrative departments, top managements in small-medium sized companies, in multinational companies, in Healthcare, and also as business developer on international markets of heterogeneous environments. She was also involved in translations/interpreting, participation at international trade-fairs also for worldwide well known brands in jewellry, fashion, haute couture, engineering, mechanics of precision, in medical, scientific fields among others, to credit consulting, strategic marketing and digital marketing. Her professional phylosophy is focused on growth, to continuous improvement and research. Since 1984 has been attending many courses supporting her professional development, ranging from linguistic, business, management, strategic marketing, digital marketing as well as ongoing updates stay in abroad. She has established secretarial and administrative experience, as an assistant of  top management in multinational companies and medium to large sized ones, as business developer/projects development, in strategic marketing and digital marketing; as translator/interpreter, in organizating events, business meetings. Has also organized and partecipated in many trade-fairs and events, as well as partecipated in many conferences especially in medical science. She has strong experience in setting-up, in organizing and in international development of "stat-ups", in the development of foreign commercial offices in diversified fields and an established experience of over 15 years as Foreign Head Offices as Consultant - Reporter of Business Information Services, Credit Risk Analyst/Management, Companies Profiles evaluation upon credit matter and related to M&A, Management, Partnerships, Markets, positioning and competition assessment, and in analysis of financial statements. Over 90.000 business companies profiles analyzed over the years. In 2012 has implemented Consulting, Project and Development areas in the "no-profit" sector.

2010 - Co-founder and Member of the Board in a National Association affiliated to a world-wide well known British NFP organization promoted by a world-wide well known Physician.

The Promoter year attends several conventions, conferences, workshops, also concerning GDPR matter (since 2017), some of them are on international scale

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